Friday, June 8, 2007

Worlds Apart

The alarm sounds and our day begins
the dog is laying on the floor and I trip over him, stub my toe
my daughter is watching the smurfs instead of getting ready for school
i don't have time for breakfast, again
we are stuck behind six tractor trailers, creeping slowly up the hill
oh great, now a school bus, i'm going to be late for work again
voice mails greet me when I finally arrive at the office
phone calls and emails and piles of paperwork
i pray for God to help me through one more day
it's almost too much for one person to handle...

She wakes before the sun rises
walks about a mile to fill her bucket with water
back to her house to prepare rice for her children's breakfast
she walks the mile again to wash her children's clothing so that they have something to wear for school
the children wake, eat their rice and walk with their mother, 11 miles, to school
when she returns, she works the field, gathering vegtables from her garden
she walks to the market so that she can try to sell her vegtables
she walks to her children's school
they, again, walk through the tall grasses, behind a checkpoint that they are not supposed to pass
she knows if they are seen, they will be killed
she thanks God for one more day and prays that He will help them through
it's almost too much for one person to handle...


Carol said...

Lauren, I just can't say it enough, you are amazing! You have got such a natural gift for this. Wow! I believe that God is just smiling down on you so proud of you for using your talent that He has given you. I bet He has this hanging on His refrigerator saying to everyone that will listen, "Look, Look what MY Lauren has done!) What great visualization. I feel as though I am totally there with both women. Thank you for sharing!

malikalze said...

Carol...thank you. I CANNOT tell you how much your encouragement means to me. I have never, ever shared my writing, and it is SCARY. I don't think I would continue to do it, if it were not for encouragement like yours. Thank you!!

Jane said...

Awesome writing, thanks so much for shedding light on two women, worlds apart that share the same feeling. The second woman was women I encountered in India, the daily routine that they went through talked to me about what I had to be thankful for in my daily routine, which I thought was total drudery. Thank you for reminding me, how greatful I am, for what God has given me...everything!

deAnn Alyse said...

Lauren - your writing and ability to describe so well that we can see what you are saying, well, it's simply beautiful. Thank you for courageously sharing your work with us. It's inspiring and we are touched by your words and the heart behind them.