Wednesday, June 13, 2007

i was thinking tonight about how different God is from humans. i was eating raisin bran and i thought "i LOVE raisin bran". and as i was enjoying my raisin bran, i was thinking about how great it is that God gives us these gifts all day, every day. he didn't have to make food taste good. it's not necessary to our survival. then i looked down at my dog and thought about how much i loved him, and if you start thinking about things like raisin bran and your dog, you just have to praise this God who cares more about us than we can even imagine. the more i thought about this, the more i liked God. liked him. not loved him because he gave me life and sustains my life and sent his son, etc. but liked him for who he is. he's someone i want to spend time with. and then i was thinking about my "first love", my daughter's father. i was 14 the first time i saw him. and from the moment i saw him, i loved him. "love" meaning i couldnt think about anything else and i could see no wrong when i looked at him...i gave him automatic love, without even really knowing him, without him even asking for it, i just gave it to him. then i got to know him and i thought about him, just like i was thinking about God tonight. but the outcome was so different. the more i thought about him, the less i liked him. eventually it got to the point that i completely loved him but i didnt like him at all. i am so excited that the more i get to know God, the more i like him. : )


Carol said...

Hey Lauren,
What a great insight. You reminded me that not only do I love God, I like Him too and I enjoy spending time with Him.

deAnn Alyse said...

Like and Love. Like verses Love. Well, I like and love your post - it made me think more deeply about the usage of those too "alike" words that have very different facets and how I relate them to God and others...thanks Lauren!!! love (or would it be "like"), deAnn (heehee)