Monday, August 31, 2009

Hesitant steps...

She walks slowly, hesitant steps, embarrassed glances...furrowed eyebrows, doubt etched into her face.
She stands silently at the foot of the cross. She waits, wondering if the reality could live up to the hype.
She looks at her feet, not ready to raise her eyes. The doubt that has kept her from this place has become her hope. The possibility of this place has kept her from giving up, but now, she knows at the moment she looks up, she will know if it's real.
She shivers at the thought of an empty cross. All hope for something beyond what she can see, for something that means something, for something that can make everything OK, would be gone.
But she has to know. So, she looks.
Her heart shatters, the tears roll down her face. No!
It can't be.
No one hangs on the cross.
There is nothing.
Just three rusty nails.
His hand touches her shoulder.
Child, I was on that cross for just a moment.
Just a moment in time to take all of your doubt, your mistakes, your anger, your addictions, your pain.
I only needed to be here for a moment.
I am where you are. I go where you go. I go where you've been. And I go where you will go.
So, spend a moment here, absorbing the magnitude and depth of my love for you. But, just a moment.
I have plans for you.
I love you, as you are, and as you will become.
You are my beloved, a child of the King.
Now, stand up, shake off the dust, and follow me.

Friday, August 21, 2009

where he doesn't belong.

raised hands and frozen faces
handshakes and pleasantries
plates of money and broken bread
flawless music and words of wisdom
watches set and tapped upon

one more sunday down, success again

broken hearts
and screaming minds
anger and frustration
doubt and disappointment
emotional confessions welcome vulnerability

people say someone caught a glimpse of jesus

walls may crumble
numbers may fall
songs might not sound so pretty
kids might yell instead of whisper
they might dance when they should be still

what's he doing here, anyway?