Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I watch for her, I'm always watching for her...
I think about her all of the time...
when will I see her again?
a glimpse here or there is all i've really seen so far...
she is always hiding...
i think she's scared.
if only she could see herself, the way i see her...
i love the way she thinks of others before herself,
the subtle way she lets someone know they matter...
she jokes around with her daughter,
she makes her husband feel like the luckiest man in the world...
i see the way her mom confides in her, like she's her very best friend...
and the sparkle in her father's eye when she calls him daddy...
people feel like they can be themselves around her...
they feel loved and special and they laugh and they smile...
but me, well, it's different for me...
my selfishness, it's suffocating...
the way i get angry at every little thing...
my daughter, she runs away if she does something bad;
she knows i'm going to yell again...
my husband, the poor guy, he takes the brunt of my bad days...
my mom, she loves me, i know she does, but sometimes i wonder why...
i don't even know what to say to my father, it's always so awkward...
i wish i were more like Her...
i want to be like that...
the woman that God intended me to be ...
i want to be her.


Carol said...

very well put. i have many of the same feelings. thank you for putting it into words and for sharing.

deAnn Alyse said...

Lauren, this post is amazing. Profound. Real. Honest. If you read my last journal'd see practically the same idea as your post. But you are braver than me. More courageous. I love it.

Jane said...

This is an incredible writing, Thank you! Midway through the writing I guessed that this was a friend of yours, one who you admired, one that had all of the things that you think you dont have...and then to the end...that it was you!!!! What an incredible insight into the friend of God that you REALLY are! This was like reading a tiny novel....Thanks much!