Wednesday, May 16, 2007

An excerpt from Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost for His Highest":
We think it is a sign of true humility to say at the end of the day, "Well, I just barely got by today, but it was a severe struggle." And yet all of Almighty God is ours in the Lord Jesus! And He will reach to the last grain of sand and the remotest star to bless us if we will only obey Him. Does it really matter that our circumstances are difficult? Why shouldn't they be! If we give way to self-pity and indulge in the luxury of misery, we remove God’s riches from our lives and hinder others from entering into His provision. No sin is worse than the sin of self-pity, because it removes God from the throne of our lives, replacing Him with our own self-interests. It causes us to open our mouths only to complain, and we simply become spiritual sponges— always absorbing, never giving, and never being satisfied. And there is nothing lovely or generous about our lives.
I am getting married in 9 days. I am also working full-time, going to school full-time and being a mom full-time. I lead a growth group. My car was hit while I was sleeping 2 weeks ago and I have been working with the insurance companies ever since. Blah blah blah. The point is, I am busy. I have been stressed. Yesterday, I hit a wall. I was at a breaking point. I found out that my car was being totaled for $2000 less than I owed on the car. It was at that moment that I finally said, "GOD, I CAN'T do this anymore. I need help." Now, I think that I am pretty good about asking God for help. I am not one of those people who think that I can handle things on my own. I completely understand and acknowledge my need for God. Yet, when it came down to it, I had to reach a breaking point before I REALLY asked God for help. A few minutes later, I received a phone call from my uncle, the car salesman. He had worked out a plan so that the insurance company would give me more money for my car and he was able to get me into a brand new car, for a few more dollars than I was paying for my old car.

I think what happens is we (at least, I) underestimate God. I underestimate his ability to help me, but more than anything, I underestimate his love for me. I think I hesitated to ask God for help because I didn't want to bother Him. I didn't actually think that in my head, but somewhere down deep, I think that was my reasoning. But God is Everywhere, He is involved in Everything. Every teeny little thing that comes up in our lives, He cares; it actually matters to Him. And when that concept becomes a reality, there is nothing that we cannot handle, with our God right there by our side. He's like the mafia guy who knows everybody and can get you into the best restaurants and can take care of your "problems", because he has that power and that authority. God is like our own personal mafia guy, but He's good and doesn't whack people. It's not even 9 AM yet so I can't actually be held responsible for this post. My point is, though, we may be weak, yet He is strong. And that is good to know.

: )

1 comment:

deAnn Alyse said...

Lauren, you are gifted. This post had me on the edge of tears, I felt them rising up from deep below. Then I was laughing at Mafia God! Thank you for posting with honesty, rawness, and vulnerability. It inspires me. And only 4 more days until the BIG DAY! ~ love, deAnn