Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The world.

The world is so large
and untouchable
until it becomes real.
Sometimes the world
lives inside of you
moving and growing and being.

It's as if God took the entire world
and placed it into the 2 inches
growing inside of me.
As if suddenly,
what had no meaning
suddenly meant everything.

Who am I to have such an honor
such a responsibility
Was anyone watching
what I did
the first time?

Yet, in the moments of peace
the moments of just being,
I feel joy.
Joy and contentment and excitement,
fear and anxiety and concern
every emotion in the world, inside of my world.

The world is growing
inside of me.


Jane said...

What a beautiful piece! I was happy to see the "joy" part of your writing, along with all the other emotions.
Hope to see you soon,

reflective souls said...

This is amazing, Lauren. Wow. Yeah, ME, speechless... ~deAnn